1100 Volts Single  Core Unarmoured Cables
(Aluminium Conductor) Type 'AYY'  to IS:1554(I) - 1988
Sl.     Normal Cross-Sectional Area of Conductor in mm2                              
No. Description Unit  1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 800 1000
  Constructional Details                                            
Conductor (Solid)
1 Minimum number of wires nos. 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 12 15 15 15 30 30 30 53 53 53 53 91
2 Shape Circular / Solid Circular Compacted OR
Circular non compacted
Conductor (Stranded)
Minimum number of wires nos. 3 3 3 3 7 6 6 6 6 12 15 15 15 30 30 30 53 53 53 53 91
Shape Circular  Stranded compaced Circular Compacted OR
Circular non compacted
3 Type PVC Compound Type A to IS:5831
4 Nominal thickness  mm 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.4 3.4
5 Dai over laid up core mm 4.51 5.25 5.85 6.75 7.80 9.62 10.76 12.66 14.30 16.60 18.10 20.40 22.44 25.15 28.00 31.85 36.25 40.67 44.85 48.25
Outer Sheath 5.10 5.74 6.42 7.42 9.16 10.20 11.75 13.51 15.66 17.11 18.93 21.15 23.93 26.54 29.95 33.94 38.60 42.59 46.85
6 Type  PVC Compound Type ST 1 to IS:5831
7 Colour Black
8 Nominal thickness  mm 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.6
Approximate overall diameter of cable mm 8.3 9.0 9.6 10.5 11.6 13.4 14.5 16.4 18.1 20.4 22.3 24.6 26.6 29.3 32.2 36.6 41.0 45.8 50.0 54.8
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8.31 8.90 9.54 10.22 11.22 12.96 14.00 15.55 17.31 19.46 21.31 23.13 25.35 28.13 30.74 34.75 38.74 43.80 47.79 52.45
10 Resistance of conductor per 
1000m length of completed cable
a) Maximum d.c. resistance at 20 Deg C ohm 18.1 12.1 7.41 4.61 3.08 1.91 1.20 0.868 0.641 0.443 0.320 0.253 0.206 0.164 0.125 0.1 0.0778 0.0605 0.0469 0.0367 0.0291
b) a.c. resistance at 70 Deg. C ohm 21.7 14.5 8.89 5.53 3.70 2.29 1.44 1.042 0.77 0.532 0.385 0.304 0.248 0.198 0.152 0.122 0.0962 0.0762 0.0608 0.0498 0.0421
11 Continuous current rating (a.c.) of 
cables under standard conditions
(a) For two single core cables touching 
in horizontal formation
i) When laid direct in ground amps 21 28 36 44 59 75 97 120 145 170 205 230 265 300 335 370 410 435 485 530 580
ii) When laid in ducts amps 19 25 33 42 56 71 93 110 130 155 180 200 220 240 270 295 335 355 395 440 490
iii)When laid in air amps 18 25 32 41 56 72 99 120 150 185 215 240 270 305 350 395 455 490 560 640 740
(b) For three single core cables touching 
in trefoil formation
i) When laid direct in ground amps 17 24 31 39 51 66 86 100 120 140 175 195 220 240 270 295 325 345 390 440 490
ii) When laid in ducts amps 17 24 30 37 51 65 84 100 115 135 155 170 190 210 225 245 275 295 320 345 370
iii)When laid in air amps 15 21 27 35 47 64 84 105 130 155 190 220 250 290 335 380 435 480 550 640 720
12 Reactance per 1000m length of cable
at 50 Hz(assuming 3 single core cables ohm 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.130 0.119 0.1 0.094 0.088 0.085 0.079 0.072 0.072 0.069 0.066 0.063 0.060 0.060 0.057 0.057 0.053 0.047
laid in trefoil touching formation)
13 Capacitance  per 1000m length of cable Micro
(assuming 3 single core cables farad
laid in trefoil touching formation)
0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.157 0.180 0.176 0.196 0.196 0.206 0.216 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.250 0.270
14 Minimum volume resistivity of PVC Insu Ohm   1 X 1013  AT 27 Deg C and 1 x 10 10 at 70 Deg C
15 Maximum permissible shortcircuit  kilo 
current for duration of one second amps 0.11 0.190 0.3 0.460 0.760 1.22 1.900 2.660 3.800 5.320 7.220 9.120 11.400 14.060 18.240 22.800 30.400 38.000 47.880 60.800 76.000
16 Voltage drop per 1000m length of 
cable (assuming 3 single core 
cables used on 3 phase a.c. system)
a) When laid direct in ground volts 639 604 478 374 327 262 215 180 163 132 118 104 99 87 80 71 62 61 54 54 50
b) When laid in ducts volts 639 604 462 355 327 258 210 180 156 126 104 92 85 76 66 59 54 52 45 42 38
c) When laid in air volts 565 528 416 336 301 255 210 182 175 146 128 118 113 106 99 92 83 83 76 78 75
17 Approximate net weight per 
1000m length of finished cable kg 72 80 95 109 133 165 222 267 346 429 547 664 804 957 1183 1413 1868 2308 2887 3483 4222
18 Standard length of cable (Subject to a
manufacturing tolerance +/-5%) m 500
19 Drum Dimensions-
a) Approximate overall height mm 635 635 635 635 740 840 840 840 940 940 1040 1140 1140 1250 1250 1450 1550 1650 1650 2050 2265
b) Approximate outer width mm 515 515 515 515 515 515 665 690 715 715 715 855 855 855 910 1130 1130 1180 1420
20 Approximate gross weight of drum kg 70 75 80 90 105 120 155 180 230 270 315 415 585 705 875 1115 1395 1395 1695 2290 2940
21 Minimum bending radius for laying of CBL 15  x  Overall Diameter of Cable 
22 Recommended pulling force:
a) When conductor pulled by pulling eye N 30 x Total Conductor Area in mm2
b) When cable pulled with stocking N 5 x D2 where D is the Overall Diameter of cable in mm